Monday, June 25, 2012

Uses of knovio and first forum

There is no doubt that the use of technology is an exciting technique for the children in schools. So was confirmed by the different activities my colleagues brought to classes through knovio and power point presentations. Although I was a little confused about my presentation and the instructions given, I felt excited and satisfied how to use knovio for teaching purposes.

Besides that, my experience in the first forum was easy and comfortable though we did not have a mediator. We got a bit confused about it and we commented without any guide. However, the task was accomplished in a good way and the answers were clear enough and so similar among us that it was not need to clarify or refuse ideas. Maybe the only limitation was the time to enter our entries because we must have commented the others' twice and that was possible when everyone posted the answers in the last two days of the forum. therefore, I suggest to post our answers right after the begining of the forum, that way all of us have chance to comment without any pressure.
In the class, I liked the activity to share our own ideas with the rest of the partners. I felt identified with it and I learned from their experiences a lot.

In the first workshop, we also discuss about CALL(Computer Assisted Language Learning), which is about computer-based materials such as gapped texts, matching sentence halves and multiple choice activities.

Besides that, TELL (Technology Enhaced Language Learning)was also a topic of dicussion. According to Gavin Dudaney "it was born in response to the growing possibilities offered by the internet and communications technology."(Dudeney,2008)

As I commented in the forum, I invited you to get rid of technophobia and have a positive attitude towards the devices in order to use them with our students for learning purposes.

Dudeney Gavin(2008). How ot teach English with Technology. Pearson     Longman. England

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Second Workshop

Hi everybody!

I have been so excited to share my new creations using technology. I must confess that I like to use the computer and I love to chat through facebook, skype and send and receive e-mails but what we're learning so far is amazing. Sometimes I have felt so technofob because of a lot of accounts, clicks, applications and new things that can consume a lot of my time but I'm really willing to learn and get acquainted with them and use them in my classes.

There's no doubt that many of them have computers and access to internet at home but what about the ones who don't?. Besides that, it is a great risk to have them work in pairs and meet for a specific homework.

Well, I also know things would be arranged in some way in the future!!!

 During this worshop, we discuss about internet-based Learning and how to use and find some useful websites.Though I was familiar with the last one, I must confess I learned a lot about search engines and the characteristics of a good website, such as accuracy, currency, content and fucntionality.

As teacher, internet has become a basic tool for me, not only because I find a lot of useful resources like pictures, videos, games and worksheets but because It is a way to update my knowledge in favor of my students' interests, which makes me include funny, motivating and educative procedures for them.

Webquests scares me a little because I haven't got it completely but I'll do my best!